Le marché oldthing propose un large choix dans la catégorie Autres Outre-mer

3.009 Article trouvé



28,89 €

28,89 €

28,89 €
Wadi Halfa par Alexandria vers Ulm, 1898

Wadi Halfa par Alexandria vers Ulm, 1898

28,89 €
Carte postale Guatemala via Londres pour l'Afrique du Sud, Pretoria 1908

Carte postale Guatemala via Londres pour l'Afrique du Sud, Pretoria 1908

28,89 €

28,89 €

28,89 €

28,89 €
Sud-ouest de l'Afrique, Swakopmund, en 1937 via Windhock-Kimberley à Londres

Sud-ouest de l'Afrique, Swakopmund, en 1937 via Windhock-Kimberley à Londres

28,89 €

28,89 €

28,89 €

28,89 €
Carte de vue Campdge: Pnom Penh 1936 ot Zurich/Switzerland

Carte de vue Campdge: Pnom Penh 1936 ot Zurich/Switzerland

28,89 €
Tunisie: Lettre de carte 1905, post-stockeur Biskra/Constantine

Tunisie: Lettre de carte 1905, post-stockeur Biskra/Constantine

28,89 €
Zanzibar letter Africa House to Berlin

Zanzibar letter Africa House to Berlin

28,89 €
Venezuela 1892: Valencia to Paris. .

Venezuela 1892: Valencia to Paris. .

28,89 €
Venezuela 1917: letter Caracas to London

Venezuela 1917: letter Caracas to London

28,89 €
Uruguay 1903: Montevideo to Amiens/France

Uruguay 1903: Montevideo to Amiens/France

28,89 €
Uruguay 1905: Montevideo to Hildburghausen, Tax

Uruguay 1905: Montevideo to Hildburghausen, Tax

28,89 €
Afrique du Sud 1902: Worcester to Marktneukirchen

Afrique du Sud 1902: Worcester to Marktneukirchen

28,89 €
South Africa 1922: registered letter Capetown to Leipzig, BPA 10: Cologne-Deutz

South Africa 1922: registered letter Capetown to Leipzig, BPA 10: Cologne-Deutz

28,89 €
1935 air mail registered philatelic exhibition Johannesburg to Natal/Newcastle

1935 air mail registered philatelic exhibition Johannesburg to Natal/Newcastle

28,89 €
Singapore: 1921: Registered to Berlin

Singapore: 1921: Registered to Berlin

28,89 €
Singapore: 1933: Registered letter to Karaikudi/Ramnad Distr. India

Singapore: 1933: Registered letter to Karaikudi/Ramnad Distr. India

28,89 €
Malaisie 1939: letter to Karaolido

Malaisie 1939: letter to Karaolido

28,89 €
Singapore: 1911 post card Hotel l' Europe to Gelsenkirchen

Singapore: 1911 post card Hotel l' Europe to Gelsenkirchen

28,89 €
Mocambique 1914: post card Lourenco Marques to Petersburg

Mocambique 1914: post card Lourenco Marques to Petersburg

28,89 €
Mozambique 1929: Beira to Basel/Switzerland

Mozambique 1929: Beira to Basel/Switzerland

28,89 €
Cap-Vert: 1897: post card St. Vicente to St Johann

Cap-Vert: 1897: post card St. Vicente to St Johann

28,89 €
Philippines 1938: registered Manila to crestwood/USA

Philippines 1938: registered Manila to crestwood/USA

28,89 €
Panama Presidencia to Steelton-Pensylvania

Panama Presidencia to Steelton-Pensylvania

28,89 €
Nouvelle Guinée 1944: US Army Postal Service, centor to Cass County

Nouvelle Guinée 1944: US Army Postal Service, centor to Cass County

28,89 €
Ned. Indie 1914: Soerabaja to Leipzig - Cancel !!!

Ned. Indie 1914: Soerabaja to Leipzig - Cancel !!!

28,89 €
Surinam: Paramaribo 1929 to New York

Surinam: Paramaribo 1929 to New York

28,89 €
Newfoundland: 1935: registered St. John's to New York

Newfoundland: 1935: registered St. John's to New York

28,89 €
Newfoundland: 4x covers

Newfoundland: 4x covers

28,89 €
Mexico 1922: Registered letter MEXico to Berlin

Mexico 1922: Registered letter MEXico to Berlin

28,89 €
Maurice: 1923: Banque d'Inde à Dresde/Germany

Maurice: 1923: Banque d'Inde à Dresde/Germany

28,89 €
Maroc 1942: post card Asni to Casablanca, TAX

Maroc 1942: post card Asni to Casablanca, TAX

28,89 €
Liberia: 1907: post card Monrovia - Deutsche Seepost - to Germany

Liberia: 1907: post card Monrovia - Deutsche Seepost - to Germany

28,89 €
Colombia 1913: Cartagena via New York to Poessneck

Colombia 1913: Cartagena via New York to Poessneck

28,89 €
Colombia 1931: Registered Bogota to Fribourg/Germany

Colombia 1931: Registered Bogota to Fribourg/Germany

28,89 €
Japon post card unused..

Japon post card unused..

28,89 €
Japon: 1909: post card Nagoya to Offenbach

Japon: 1909: post card Nagoya to Offenbach

28,89 €
Iraq: 1922 letter to Copenhagen/Denmark

Iraq: 1922 letter to Copenhagen/Denmark

28,89 €
India 1912: Registered letter to Berlin, Perfin

India 1912: Registered letter to Berlin, Perfin

28,89 €
India 1909: Registered Bankipore to Leipzig

India 1909: Registered Bankipore to Leipzig

28,89 €
Honduras: 1921: letter Roatan to Chatham en Angleterre

Honduras: 1921: letter Roatan to Chatham en Angleterre

28,89 €